Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Best Ever Baked Lemon Cheese Cake

Definitely this is the best baked Cheese cake I ever had, it is light and lemony. We had it  in New Year Eve party. Shirley made it and every one loved it. Many of us asking for the recipe and I also take the opportunity to write the recipe or else, will forget. 

I have been googling the baked lemon cheese cake, but I will stick to Shirley recipe and have tried to make one and taste just as good. Her suggestion is using Philadelphia cream cheese because it is smoother ( I have compared 3 different brand). Here is her recipe.

Ingredients / bahan

For the base / untuk dasar kue

225 gr digestive biscuits, crushed
225 gr biskuit, hancurkan

90 gr butter, melted
95 gr butter, cairkan

Filling / isi

4 eggs
4 telur

680 gr cream cheese (preferably Philadelphia)
680 gr cream cheese (sebaiknya Philadelphia)

200 gr sugar
200 gr gula

2 lemon juice
2 jeruk lemon atau nipis ambil airnya

4 lemon rind 
4 jeruk lemon atau nipis, parut bagian kulit hijaunya

Cara memasak / Preparation method

Heat oven to 180 C or fan 160 C
Panaskan oven 180 C atau jika memakai oven dengan kipas 160 C

Line the bottom of a 23cm springform tin with greaseproof paper
Alasi dasar cetakan kue (springform) berukuran 23 cm dengan kertas minyak

Tip the biscuits and melted butter into a food processor, then blitz to make fine crumbs. 
Masukkan biskuit dan butter yang diencerkan ke dalam blender sampai seperti tepung panir.

Press into the tin and chill.
Masukkan ke dalam cetakan dan tekan sampai rata, dinginkan dalam kulkas

Whisk the eggs and sugar until pale and fluffy.
Kocok telur dan gula sampai putih dan mengembang

Add the cream cheese gradually on low speed until combined then the lemon juice and the rind, mixed again.
Masukkan cream cheese sedikit sedikit sambil dimixer dengan kecepatan rendah sampai tercampur rata kemudian masukkan air jeruk dan kulit jeruk, aduk lagi

Pour into the tin, then bake for 35-40 minutes.
Masukkan ke dalam cetakan dan oven selama 35 - 40 menit.

Turn off the oven and leave the cake inside until cool. When it is completely cooled, remove from the tin .
Matikan oven dan biarkan cheese cake didalamnya sampai benar-benar dingin, kemudian keluarkan dari cetakan

Decorate with raspberries, blue berry or lemon rind if you like.
Beri dekorasi dengan raspberry, blue berry, kulit jeruk atau buah apa saja yang anda suka.

Keep in the fridge until you are ready to serve
Simpan dalam kulkas, sampai waktu menyajikan.

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