Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Ayam Cipera Original (Karonese Chicken Stew)

This dish was actually made last year, only now I have the time to put it together. This recipe was made by ibu Munthe in Bangun Bandar, near Tebing Tinggi. Ibu Munthe demonstrate how to cook this Karonese Chicken Stew or traditionally called "ayam cipera". Cipera usually served on Karonese big party. I have posted the same dish a couple years ago, but this one come from the Karonese lady herself. The use of cipera which is made of roasted corn kernel that is finely ground. Cipera is used both for flavour and thickening. The alternative is using corn on the cop and grated. It will give slightly different taste but just as nice.

Bahan / Ingredients

1 ekor ayam kampung 
1 native chicken

200 gr tepung jagung ( jagung digongseng dan ditumbuk) = tepung cipera
200 gr corn flour (from ground roasted maize, named "cipera"

1500 ml santan dari 1 kelapa, pisahkan santan cair dan santan kental
1500 ml coconut milk from 1 fresh coconut, separate the thick and thin coconut milk

Bumbu halus / the paste

100 gr bawang merah
100 gr shallots

    6 siung bawang putih
    6 cloves garlic

  50 gr cabe merah dan cabe rawit
  50 gr mix red chillies and bird's eye chillies

  50 gr jahe
  50 gr fresh ginger

  50 gr kencur
  50 gr lesser gallangal

  50 gr kemiri
  50 gr candle nut

    3 cm kunyit atau secukupnya
    3 cm fresh turmeric or as necessary 

Bahan lain / other ingredients

1 buah Tomat besar, potong dadu atau memanjang
1 large tomato, diced or wedged

4 buah asam cekala, memarkan
4 torch ginger fruit, bruised

2 batang bawang prei, potong 2 cm
2 baby leeks, cut 2 cm long including the green

4 batang sereh, memarkan
4 lemon grass, bruised

garam secukupnya
salt to taste

jamur merang atau jamur tiram (optional)
straw mushroom (canned) or fresh oyster mushroom (optional)

Cara memasak / Preparation

Bakar ayam kampung sampai kulit mengering dan berubah warna, potong-potong menjadi 12 potong sesuai selera.
Char grilled the chicken until the skin change colour, cut into 12 pieces or to your liking

Rebus santan encer dan bumbu yang dihaluskan.
Bring to the boil thin coconut milk together with the paste

Masukkan sereh, daun jeruk dan lengkuas . Masak sampai mendidih selama beberapa menit.
Add in the lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves and gallangal. Bring back to boil for a few more minutes

Masukkan ayam, tutup panci masak sampai ayam empuk.
Put the chicken pieces and cover until the chicken is tender

Sementara itu larutkan tepung cipera dengan sedikit santan encer atau air
Meanwhile, dissolve the corn flour with a little of thin coconut milk (or just water)

Masukkan asam cekala, tomat, jamur dan tepung cipera
Put the torch ginger fruit, tomato, mushroom and the flour mixture

Lanjutkan memasak sambil terus diaduk sampai semua matang, kecilkan api
Continue cooking and stir occasionally, reduce the heat

Masukkan santan kental, kemudian bawang prei. 
At last add in the thick coconut, then the baby leeks

Didihkan kembali, aduk dan rasakan. Matikan api. Siap disajikan.
Bring back to a boil, taste and turn the heat off. Ready to be served

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