Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Sagon Bakar ( Coconut and Tapioca Biscuit)

Last Chinese New Year, my friend serve this biscuits amongst other things, even though this is a traditional recipe it is very hard to find now. The biscuit was very good, crispy , crumbly and tasty. Never had that texture before. Since than I�ve looking and asking for the recipe, eventually I got it from a friend. This recipe doesn�t make exactly like I wanted �crispy� but the taste is just perfect. Some friends have tried my biscuits and they all love it. So here is the recipe

Bahan - Bahan / Ingredients

200 ml pati santan 
200 ml thick coconut milk

500 gr Kanji / Sagu Tani
500 gr tapioca flour

50 gr mentega atau margarin 25
50 gr butter or margarine

200 gr gula halus 100
200 gr icing sugar

2 butir kuning telur 
2 egg yolk

1/4 sdt baking powder 
1/4 tsp baking powder

1 sdt garam
1 tsp salt

1 sdt vanili
1 tsp vanilla essense

60 gr kelapa gongseng
60 gr desicated coconut

50 gr keju (optional)
50 gr parmesan cheese (optional)

Cara membuat / Preparation method

Campur tepung kanji, gula halus dan baking powder, kemudian saring
Mix the tapioca flour, icing sugar and baking powder, then sieve to avoid lumps

Larutkan garam dalam santan
Dissolve the salt in coconut milk

Campur vanili, mentega, kelapa gongseng, kuning telur dan tepung, tambahkan santan sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuleni sampai kalis
Mix the vanilla, egg yolks, desiccated coconut and the flour, add in the coconut milk gradually while kneading until you get a smooth dough.

Istirahatkan selama 30 menit
Leave the dough to rest for 30 minutes

Panaskan oven 140 C
Meanwhile preheat the oven 140 C

Ambil sedikit adonan dan tekan dalam cetakan sagon (tipis saja), susun dalam loyang dan panggang 25 - 30 menit tergantung dari oven
Take a small amount of the dough and place it in the mould, press thinly with your thumb. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes depend on your oven.

Biarkan 1 - 2 menit sebelum mengeluarkan dari cetakan
Leave 1 - 2 minutes before removing off the mould.

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