Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

The Pub Food ( The White Horse)

This is not nouvelle cuisine, this is the pub food simple and honest that my family adore. It is the famous Fish and Chips. The pub we love to go is The White Horse in a village "Llandyrnog" in North Wales. We always order the same thing every time we come here. 

We'll all have the crispy white bait for starter, we have tried in many different places, but the White Horse makes the best one.

The whole family favourite starter�., crispy white bait

The local ale

My Husband will sample some different ale that he loves, and the pub does have very good local ales from local brewery.

Beef stroganoff and rice

This is also my husbands favourite from this pub, the stroganoff is made from grilled steak, it is stroganoff with a twist. But it is excellent.

Grilled lamb chop

Being in Wales, guarantee you'll have good lamb, but I think this one looks a bit burnt, I would love it less charred, slightly pink in the middle would have been perfect. The lamb was good, but I think they over done it�..

Beer batter fish and chips and mushy peas, what more do you want.

The best from this pub is this fish and chips. The fish (cod) is fresh, white and flaky the beer butter is light and crispy, it is cooked into perfection. Something that I miss when I'm back in Medan.

The big bowl of home made chips dip in mayonnaise�., it is a big portion. Terrified thinking of how many calory in them, but I just ate them. Too good to leave them go cold ( I can burn the calory the next day in the gym to reduce my guilt��lol)

strawberry, lemon and orange sorbet

Mint vanilla and caramel ice cream

Meringue cream strawberry and caramel sauce to go with the coffee

These are simple pudding after heavy meal, honestly I don't need any thing else�..
We'll be back again, surely to order the same thing. We are very predictable.

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